Parades honor Magelang regent (1866) History of Magelang District can not be separated from the development of Magelang. In 1801, Lieutenant Governor General Sir Stamford Raffles raised Ngabei Danuningrat as the first Regent of Magelang, upon instructions from his teacher, he chose the area between the village and village Mantiasih wrist as the central government. In 1930, occupation handed over to his son's regent named Ngabei Danukusumo, and the status of the District of Magelang become gremente along with the city of Semarang, Salatiga, and Pekalongan. But the position of Regent is still recognized that there are two leaders in the area of Regent Magelang Magelang Magelang and Mayor. Over time, the position of Magelang District strengthened through Law no. 2 years in 1948 with capital of Magelang. In 1950 under the Law. 13 of 1950 Magelang stand alone and be given the right to manage their own household, so there is some flexibility to move the capital city to other areas. There are two alternative substitute capital city of Magelang, namely Kawedanan Secang or Kawedanan Muntilan, but both regions are rejected. On 22 March 1984, the City Mungkid officially inaugurated as the capital of Magelang regency, Central Java governor.
Tourism Borobudur is a mainstay attractions of Central Java Province who now receive the protection of UNESCO as world heritage (World Heritage). Besides Borobudur, there are a number of temples including Mendut, Pawon, Ngawen Temple, Temple Canggal, Selogriyo Temple, Temple Gunungwukir, Candi Lumbung, Candi Gunungsari, Pendem Temple, and Temple Aso. Apart from the temples as cultural tourism, Magelang District also has a museum which is located on the road between Mendut and Borobudur, namely Haji Widayat Fine Arts Museum. For natural attractions, Magelang District has several attractions, among other tourist areas Kopeng, Substation Pandang Ketep Pass waterfalls also Kedung Kayang approximately 5 km from Ketep Pass, Substation Pandang Babadan, Curug Silawe, Losari Coffee Plantation, hot spring Temple Bannerman and waterfalls Sekar sky (in District Grabag). In addition Kali Kali Progo and Elo is also often used for white water rafting. Some religious attractions in Magelang regency, among others Langgar Great Prince Diponegoro, Kyai Condrogeni Tomb, the Tomb of Sunan Geseng, Tomb Raden Pupils, etc.. As for cultural tourism and craft art there are several attractions include traditional arts, craft souvenir, craft furniture and interiors, as well as craft specialties.
Assorted • Food Magelang typical of them and the most exotic is a snack food that is the savory kriuk Pothil Magelang, Gethuk trio, diamonds congratulation, sticky tape Muntilan, Kupat know, soup senerek, and barked nglumut magelang '. • culinary tourism in the area of Borobudur is "Fried Chicken Bones Software HALALAN THOYYIBBAN" located at Jalan Lieutenant Tukiyat, precisely in the hamlet Banar. • Arts typical Magelang include kubro siswo, Bedouin, empower and jathilan.
https://wisatasejarah.wordpress.com/category/jawa.../kab-magelang/ -
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