Prambanan temple is located in the Prambanan Park neighborhood, approximately 17 km to the east of Yogyakarta, precisely in the village of Prambanan sub Bokoharjo. The location is only about 100 m from the highway Yogya-Solo, so not hard to find. Most of the tourist area which is situated at an altitude of 154 m above sea level is included in Sleman regency. while others included in the Klaten area.
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. Until now has not been established when the temple was built and on the orders of whom, but the strong suspicion that the Prambanan temple was built around the middle of the 9th century by the king of the Sanjaya Dynasty, the King Balitung Maha Sambu. Allegations are based on the content Syiwagrha Inscription found in the vicinity of Prambanan and now kept at the National Museum in Jakarta. Inscription framed in 778 Saka (856 AD) was written in the reign of Rakai Pikatan.
Prambanan Restoration take a very long, though never completed. Rediscovery of the ruins of the largest building, the Temple of Shiva, was reported by CA Lons in 1733. Excavation and recording of the first efforts undertaken under the supervision Groneman. Excavations were completed in 1885, includes cleaning shrubs and grouping the stones of the temple ruins.
In 1902, these efforts were continued by van Erp. Grouping and identification of the rubble stones carried out in more detail. In 1918, restoration of Prambanan Temple resumed under the supervision of Department of Antiquities (Oudheidkundige Dienst), directed by PJ Perquin. Through these efforts, some of the ruins of the Temple of Shiva can be reconstructed again. In 1926, formed a restoration committee under the leadership of De Haan to continue the efforts that have been implemented Perquin. Under the supervision of this committee, in addition to rebuilding the more refined results Shiva Temple, also begins preparation for the construction of Temple Apit.
In 1931, De Haan died and was replaced by the VR van Romondt. In 1932, Temple Apit second restoration was completed. Renovation to be discontinued in 1942, when Japan took over the government in Indonesia. After going through a long process and halting the war and transitional government, in 1953 restoration of Shiva Temple and the Temple Apit two otherwise complete. Until recently, restoration of Prambanan Temple continues to be implemented in stages.
Original sketch Prambanan rectangular, consisting of the courtyard outside and three of the court, namely Jaba (outer court), middle (center court) and Njeron (inner court). Pages outside an open area that surrounds the outer court. The outer court in the form of longitude with an area of 390 m2. This court previously surrounded by a stone fence which is now in ruins. The outer court is currently only an empty courtyard. Not yet known whether there are original buildings or other decorations in this court.
In the middle of the outer court, there is a court of the second, that the court was a rectangular area of 222 m2. Central courtyard surrounded by a fence at the first stone at this time had also collapsed. This court consists of four terraces, more and more into the higher. On the first terrace, which is the lowest terrace, there are 68 small temples that lined round, divided into four lines by connecting road antarpintu court. On the second terrace there were 60 temples, in the third terrace there are 52 temples, and on the fourth terrace, or top terrace, there are 44 temples. All the temples in the middle of this court have the same shape and size, namely ground-plan area of 6 m2 and height of 14 m. Almost all the temples in the courtyard of the center is currently in ruins. What remains is only the ruins alone.
Inner court, is the highest court is located and which is considered as the most sacred places. This court berdenah rectangular area of 110 m2, with a height of about 1.5 m from the surface of the top court of the middle terrace. Courtyard is surrounded by plaster and stone fences. On four sides there are arch-shaped gate paduraksa. Currently, only the gate on the south side that are still intact. In front of each gate of the top court of the temple there is a pair of small, basic berdenah square area of 1, 5 m2 with a height of 4 m.
In the court of the temple there are 2 lines stretching north south direction. In the west there are rows of 3 pieces of the temple facing east. The temple is located at the north is Vishnu Temple, Shiva Temple in the middle is, and in the south is the Brahma Temple. In the east also there are 3 rows of temples facing to the west. All of this is called the temple a vehicle (vehicle = vehicle), because each temple is named after the beast that is the god of the temple mount is located in front of him.
The temple is faced with the Vishnu temple is Garuda temple, facing the Shiva Temple is the Temple of Nandi (bull), and that dealing with the Brahma temple is the Temple Goose. Thus, this temple was the sixth line of sight form a tunnel. Candi Vishnu, Brahma, Swan, Garuda and Nandi have the same shape and size, namely berdenah square base area of 15 m2 with a height of 25 m. In the north and south ends of each aisle there is a small temple facing each other, called the Temple Apit.
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