Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Fence City of nature in South Sumatra (South Sumatra), known as the "Besemah" is an area that has many 

historical relics. Strong suspicion that this area had a relationship with the existence of the kingdom of Srivijaya in the kingdom first.

Among a number of relics of past civilizations, covering a large stone associated with the activity of megalithic culture, grave stones, living stones, statues, stone upak, dolmen, menhir, and a number of sculptured thin. Still quite a lot of locations that store historic paninggalan natural fences that have not been revealed. For example, Rimba Jaya Temple District Central Dempo, and building on the Mount Raje Mandare natural fences on the border with Bengkulu.

According to the Head Office of Tourism natural fences, Syafrudin Msi, said disclosure of the history of the center of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya was exposed through a national seminar on cultural Besemah conducted on 27 February to 1 March 2009. The seminar was to invite a number of experts and key officials such as governors and kings in Java and Bali.

It is expected that these findings can serve as the basis dealam reveal early Srivijaya kingdom. Research Besemah as a precursor to the Kingdom of Sriwijaya use reference materials research expert Dutch megalithic ANJ The Van der Hoop. The evidence can be used as a starting point megalithic civilization in the area of Sumatra and Java. Mention the discovery of a variety of historical objects in other areas, such as Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, Palembang including quite a lot indeed found, but when compared with areas that are still a fraction Besemah revealed including Jungle Temple and Mount Raje Mandare.

koran misteri

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